
ISSN 2278-4012

July 2024

Vol. 13 Issue. 3

1.A Practical Approach to ESP Teaching: English for Chemistry
Ljiljana Vukićević Đorđević, Serbia                                                                                        [Paper]

2.Flipped-Pair-Share: An Integrated Strategy in Enhancing Students’ Performance and Academic Self-Concept

Ricardo F. Uy Jr., Jorena R. Milallos and Madelyn F. Uy, Philippines                            [Paper]

3. Significance of CELTA in Teaching Field

Klubnichkina Daria Aleksandrovna1, Hilal AL Shandudi2, Tatha Rao3, Afra AL Hatmi4, Younes Audeh5 and Sumayya Al Kalbani6, Oman                                                                                                     [Paper]

4.Enhancing Rural Travel: Environmental Awareness and English Ability of Frontline Tourism Employees in Hitoyoshi Kuma Region, Kumamoto, Japan

Jeffrey Morrow, PhD. Japan                                                                                                        [Paper]

5.Intersemiotic Retranslation: A Study on the Illustrations of Khayyam’s Quatrains

Elaheh Toosheh1 and José Santaemilia2, Spain                                                                        [Paper]

6. Validation of a Tool for Measuring Second Language Learning Self-regulation Strategies

Nasrin Shokrpour1, Rita Rezaee2*, Zahra Saffari3, Sedigheh Mokhtarpour4, Iran             [Paper]

7.The Letters and Sub-letters Resonance Theory

 Aiman Eid Al-Rawajfeh, Jordan                                                                                                    [Paper]

8.The Impact of Red Marking: Psychological Effects on Students’ Mental Well-being

Klubnichkina Daria Aleksandrovna1, Hilal AL Shandudi2, Manizheh Alami3, Afra AL Hatmi4, Younes Audeh5 and Ahmed AL Mamari                                                                                                                             [Paper]


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