April 2023
Vol.12 Issue 2
1. Is Writing Block a Myth: What Possible Strategies Required to Beat it? Nasra Al Ghafri1, Afra AL Hatmi2, Hilal AL Shandoudi3 and Younes Audeh4, Oman FULL PAPER
2. The Role of Social Media in Teaching English John Bathula1, Younes Audeh2, Haleema Tauseef3 and Muhammad Tauseef Sabir4, Oman FULLPAPER
3. Language Teachers and Teachers’ Language: A Study of Communicative Skills of Selected Nigerian University Lecturers Anana Mariam, Ph.D. Nigeria FULL PAPER
4. What Effect Does the Psychological Condition Play on Students’ Performance? Nasra AL Ghafri1, Afra AL Hatmi2, Hilal AL Shandoudi3 and Younes Audeh4, Oman FULL PAPER
5. Reading with Cultural Materialism: An illustrative Exercise with Textual Corridors Irin Sultana, Saudi Arabia FULL PAPER
6. Technology and Livelihood Education (TLEd) Preservice Teachers’ TPACK: Design and Development Jean L. Bejano, Philippines FULL PAPER
7. Are Translators Traitors? Nasra AL Ghafri1 , Afra AL Hatmi2, Sara Zaeimzadeh3 and Younes Audeh4, Oman FULL PAPER
8. Demographic Profile and Teachers’ Language Attitudes Toward Philippine English Joanne Echalico- Bermillo and Rezeille May Calvez- Amilbahar, Philippines FULL PAPER
9.Parents’ Assessment of Online Learning: The Case of Grade One Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic Ellen B. Ensuya, Sheen T. Gerodiaz, Symon A. Bonsubre, Philippines FULL PAPER